Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Now all I need is Wii Fit!

I have just finished week 7 of this journey and the first week of 2010. And what a week it has been!! I have done a fair amount of walking this week. 3 to 3.5 kms at a time, and walking quickly. I had to stop briefly yesterday and then slow down my walk because my chest was sore and I was worried I was overdoing it, but otherwise it's been great.

Oh the results!

I went to weigh in tonight and fought the butterflies the whole time I was standing in line. Stepped onto the scale and....







A loss of...






2.7 kgs (5.94 lbs) !!!!!!!

Holy crap!! I just about died!

Do you know what that means? No? I'll tell you!

In 7 weeks I have dropped 10.8 kgs. That's 23.76 lbs!!! In SEVEN FREAKIN' WEEKS!!

Oh. My. Gawd!!

Do you know what else that means? It means I'm now happily UNDER the weight restriction of the balance board in Wii Fit. So now I need the weightloss fairies to bless me with a Wii Fit. Or any of you lovely readers that want to send me one, I won't say no :)

Either way, I'm happy to be down so much. And done in a healthy way too!! Official weight as of tonight? 147.8 kgs (325.16 lbs). Still WAY too high, but going down steadily.


  1. yea! Good for you! Our living room is too small for a Wii fit, me thinks...but maybe next year we can rearrange it, expand the living room or get a new house...ok or just walk outside!

  2. I have had some issues with my wii fit working properly. And it's barely been used (heh) and it's already having trouble communicating with the wii. But I've had it too long to take it back. I like the boxing game. Whew it's a workout.

  3. Hooray! That's awesome! So proud of you, Meg - keep it up!

  4. That is amazing. You are doing so well!!!

  5. Hoolee doolee! What a great loss, keep choofin along - u r doing so well!

  6. Woot Woot!! Fantastic loss - feels great to be so successful especially at this time of the year..

  7. Good for you !! You are going to love the Wii Fit. It is so much fun and a great work out!! You can do as little as you want on days that you are tired or do more when you are not or have the time!! Boxing totaly works me!!

  8. YEAH!! COngrats!! So proud of you!!

  9. way to go meg.. you give me inspiration to finally get off my fat ass and do bad we never met in vic it would have been nice to get motivated then.. best of luck in your journey and the wii fit rocks so does the wii sports it has bosing and the wii resort it has soem fun moving activities

  10. Awesome Meg!!~ ~

    I hope you can get the wii fit somehow, its fun, for me getting time to "play" is the hard part. ~

    Wow, you're doing fantastically! ~
