Monday, December 7, 2009

Sun makes everything better

Good Morning Peeples! It's a lovely Tuesday morning here (announcing this might seem strange to many of my readers who are in Australia and are now all "'s Tuesday here too", but I thought I'd make it easy for my North American buds cos sometimes it's confusing) and I'm feeling great!

I didn't manage a walk yesterday because I had a sick wee Boy Spawn home from school and, well, I was just being lazy. To be honest I should have gone for a walk once Hotty Hubby was home but I didn't. I could make excuses about having to make dinner or tidy up or whatever, but they'd be total crap. In fact, in the interests of full transparency, Hotty Hubby got home at 4:30 and we didn't get dinner til 7:00. It only took me 20 minutes to make dinner. Think maybe I could have fit a walk in there? Yeah. I just couldn't. be. ASSED!

However, I did drink a crap load of water, did well with my points and generally enjoyed the sunshine-y day. I even made macaroni and cheese for dinner. From scratch. And not a K or a D in sight (ok...for my Aussie buddies, the K&D are from Kraft Dinner...makers of awesome mac 'n' cheese back in the homeland)! I was so impressed with myself. 5 points per serve, the kids liked it and hubby said I was welcome to make it again. YAY!

I have weigh in tomorrow evening and I'm a teensy bit nervous but I think I'll be ok. Fingers crossed! I shall be blobbish no more! Instead of Shamu, I shall be can't think of a thin animal with a human-like name...but that's what I'll be.

Check back tomorrow to see how I did!

1 comment:

  1. I just love the happiness that emanated from this post. Hurray for mac and cheese!
